Monday, February 3, 2014

Flying like a Jelly Fish

Don't go crazy when you see the title, What I am about to say is a innovation by Lief Ristroph and Stephen Childress of New York University. You might have compare an aero plane to a bird and an helicopter to dragon fly in some day of your life. Both of these are animals who can fly, but did you ever thought that the researchers would be able to engineer a miniature flying machine using the swimming motion of a jellyfish?
As I have also said earlier most flying machines we have seen in our days mimic animals birds or insects, they tend to flip upside down unless they have special mechanisms called aerodynamic dampeners which are basically tails or sails; or a continues control system to control the wing speed and the motion. But this flying machines mechanism which mimics the jellyfish swim allowed it to maintain stability without adding those mechanisms.

This jellyfish flying machine is called a "Thopter" which weighs about 2.1 grams including the motor which weighs 1.1 grams still in experimental stage. Researchers would be one day able to get this flyer to a commercial stage.

For the ones who need to see how the jellyfish swim:
LiveScienceVideos : YouTube channel
Facts from Royal Society Publishing

Linux Operating Systems - What are there!

Ok, I hope you guys have read the previous blog post, If not please go and check that out first. Here I will briefly list out what Linux OSs are out there.

Alright, you already know that there are over 600 linux OS that you can choose from, If you need to stay updated what OS has new updates and what are new OSs keep in touch with this site

Ok now that we have that cleared up, these are some of the OSs I recomond you to check out :)

  1. Ubuntu - Easy GUI, best for a converted user (coming from windows or mac)
  2. Mint - Something like Ubuntu, recently became popular among desktop users, best for beginners.
  3. CentOS - Used for servers, so you might not want to check that out, but if you have one, better use one like this :)
  4. Elementary OS - Kind of like MacOS and has a definite glow to the OS. One of the most beautiful Linux OSs I have seen
  5. Debian - Advanced and Base linux distro. If you are reading about Debian here, you might want to learn some things before checking that out :)
  6. Fedora - Another advanced Base linux distro.
  7. CrunchBang - This is also one of the advanced, based on debian and my favorite.  This is the most hackable distro that i have used.
  8. Puppy - One of the light weight distros, weighs about 165MBs, yes you can have that inside very small pen, And what i should say to you is that it can be used in very old hardware as well.
  9. DSL - The ISO image size of this is 50MB, thats why this is called DamnSmallLinux, can be run in very old hardware
  10. Ubuntu Studio - Aimed upon Audio, Video, Photography, Graphics and Publishing enthusiasts. This is a good Distro for the multi-media personnel looking to be free :)
  11. SystemRescueCD - Designed to repairing a System and its data after a system crash. Better have one of these if you are using an unstable linux distro.
So I have listed out some of the OSs that I think would be good to check out. Also keep in mind that these OS can be tested before you can use them in a Live mode, I will explain how to check out an OS and install it in a computer in the next post . Hope you will be with us until then.

Thanks for GeekFume for the image :)

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Linux Operating Systems, a Little bit

You all must know if you have been with a computer there are open source operating systems out there that you can get for free. Yes, you don't have to spend a fortune just to use your computer as the way you want. And when talking about Open source Operating systems, you cannot forget about Linux OSs. These are based from the Unix one which changed the computer world by its roots.
There are over 600 ( Linux distributions that you can choose from to install onto your computer. The best part is there is a distro for almost every need.

Day before yesterday one of my friends at a forum asked me to give him a good linux distribution where he can browse safely on the www and what i did was googling "web surf linux" then I came up with a good solution: IprediaOS. I think you might have got the idea.

Desktop, Multimedia, Servers, Security-Enhanced and there are more and there will be more.
CrunchBang, One of my favs 

So what you should first do is get a clear idea about what you are trying to do with your computer. Then go through discussions or ask from a Linux Guru (I my self is not one-but i can help you with the help of google and my recent knowledge :) )